Saturday, March 19, 2005


There was no other light in the room save the lamp. The blue shades reflecting and distorting the milky white light. She looked at the globe of glass. A white sphere with a hue of blue infused into it. At its center was a black sphere.
A smooth round sphere of black surrounded by transparent glass. There were packets of air trapped in glass. All transparent except the black sphere. She called it the black hole. It never reflected but absorbed all.
She never knew why she liked looking at the black sphere under the table lamp. Every it was a ritual…a compulsion. Dark room….blue light….black sphere.
A sense of calm pervading her senses as she stared into that dark void. She often thought of all the things that could lie hidden in the dark depths of the sphere. A diamond…a milky white pearl…or just a pocket of air.
She never realized that the smooth black sphere trapped in glass was her. Absorbing but never reflecting. The world around her nothing but a glass sphere…with packets of joy…trapped! Reflecting…having no color of its own.
Only she was real. The black sphere.
She didn’t realize that every human being was a dark sphere, with varying shades of white. Some jet black…some a dark grey. Absorbing more and more, but reflecting less. Trapped in a color less world.
She wondered what would happen if the glass were to crack.
Would the pockets of air escape?
Will the black sphere exist or would it drift away…a black haze slowly drifting with the flowing breeze…..fading away…….

Thursday, March 17, 2005

white noise

The leaf was a bright orange, gently floating against the blue sky. slowly falling, slowly but surely towards the ground. His eyes followed the leaf, drifting to his right but suddenly rising up, a gust of wind carrying it higher, only to let it fall again.
Time was ticking, second after second. The leaf was waltzing with the wind.
He opened his eyes….
The silence assaulted his mind. Someone was screaming inside his head…but there was no noise.
He closed his eyes and opened then again, this time the certainty of darkness, his only companion.
He heard voices, distant voice…far away…were they speaking o him?
He closed his eyes.…
He could see the tree. It’s huge branches covered with ages of bark. It’s orange leaves a startling shade against the pale blue of the cloudless sky. He got up slowly…unsteadily…his first steps wavering…his knees trembling. The green grass wet with dew had a slippery feel against his naked feet. The cold dew was comforting against the harsh colors of the leaves. He saw the roots holding onto the ground, buried deep inside…how far did they go? How long had they held the tree?
Hold on….he had to hold on…
Against what?
He opened his eyes…..
There was a dead silence. The silence of a lonely place. A place forgotten by people…a place devoid of life…save his.
He closed his eyes….
The wind was pushing against his back. He could feel the cloth o his skin. Coarse like wet sand…sticking to his back…pushing against him.
He stood on the edge of the cliff. There was nothing to hold onto. he could feel the cold seeping into his skin. A bromide that was comforting. The wind was pushing him but his feet held him firm. The exhilaration….blood pulsing in his veins…flowing through him like a river in flood.
He wanted to fly. He spread his arms… a bird in flight…wanting to fly beyond the horizon…wanting to fly with the wind whistling in his ears…but he had to hold on…..and still…there was nothing to hold onto.
He opened his eyes…
There was a faint buzz in his ears. There was no other sound.
Sky blue. Now he knew why they called it that. He felt the water on his skin. Small drops….a fine spray….wet…like the sensuous touch of skin…but there was no sound. He saw the waves rushing towards him, he could feel it pull and drag against his naked feet.
But there was no sound….just a faint buzz…like a swarm of bees…far away…distant…
White foam….white noise…blue sky…
He closed his eyes…..
He was floating, gently, like the orange leaf. He didn’t feel cold….didn’t feel warm…
He was slowly descending…..slowly but surely…
The colors were fading…..what was once blue turned to white. The white liquid slowly turned grey….infused with a darker shade.
It was like as though a painter was mixing blue and white with drops of black. Time was ticking away. The grey world around him was darkening into shadows….
He was still floating but there was no gust of wind to lift him higher…
He opened his eyes……
White light….white noise….
The leaf….the tree….the grass….the sky….
Thoughts like a movie flashing through his mind in rapid succession…jolting his senses.
He was confused but he had to hold on.
White light…whit noise….
He closed his eyes…..never to open them again.

Friday, March 11, 2005


As the leaves fall i sit and wonder....
where do we go from here?
the crystal ball, clouded by mist
never shows the long wish list.
fingers crossed and uncrossed again
time slips by, grain after grain.
tears of joy and smiles of pain
hope....forever sustained
i walk the road staring ahead
wondering where the road led...
the crossroads of thought...neither far nor near...
where do we go from here?
on the grass i sit waiting for u...
wondering...if u knew...
where is the world without fear?
where do we go from here?